Restorative yoga by definition is a restful practice that holds yoga poses for a longer duration using yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters. It is a practice of deep relaxation that emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga—the union of body and mind. Through the use of props for support, many of the postures are held almost effortlessly.
When the body enters a state of relaxation the mind can also consciously relax as tension is released from both body and mind. The use of props makes it easier to relax your body at a deeper level. Reiki and Restorative go together perfectly.
During your reiki and restorative yoga session, you will begin with grounding into your body with gentle yoga movement (no previous yoga experience required) followed by longer held restorative yoga poses. You will receive healing Reiki while in restorative poses tailored to your individual need.
This is offered as a one-on-one session lasting approximately 1-1/2 hours.
$150 per session
New Clients Only - $20 off 1 Reiki session or Intuitive Reading. Good thru January 31st. Email me today to schedule your session!